Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter wreath

I forgot to post my winter wreath as well to do along with my Silver and Blue christmas motif!

 Old wreath that I had made years ago
 Little Christmas trees to sit by the fireplace.

 My very first Christmas tree!
Wreath I had made for my grandmother this year.

Recent scrapbooking and Card making day

This past year has been a whirlwind!  I have bought and moved into a house and have been working on DIY stuff as of late. Nothing I care to share at the moment but it will come I am sure!  I never seem to have enough time to do my crafting yet I seem to not be motivated to do anything either.  A friend of mine has all the imagination and creativity in the world and maybe that is deterring me from doing what I love.  I just feel that nothing I think of will be good enough.
Ok enough of feeling sorry for myself, recently I devoted a day where I should have been doing my report cards, on card making and scrapbook planning.  Here are a couple of my master pieces (lol)!
Back in like 2005/2006, my friends and I went to a place that is a lot like African Lion safari and a zoo put together.  

 A card for a friend of mine who is expecting!
General congratulations card which is simple and fast to make!